Cannot publish to Blogspot from IE9
Yes, it’s been a while since I last posted here. My previous post – yes, the one about formatting large disks for FAT32 – was the first post in ages. At least, the first post in the IE9-age. I soon discovered that I was not even able to publish from IE9…
Pressing F12 to enable developer mode and then switching back to IE9 Compatibility View delivered the workaround for the short term. I can publish now. Anyone a clue about the real resolution for this problem? (And, no, I am not interested in tips like “use Chrome or Firefox”…)
As soon as I have the fix, I’ll post it here.
Regards, Rene
Update: been googling for this issue and there are so many people with this same problem, telling and blogging about this, even with recent post timestamps!; from what I read, it seems that this issue is the result of a fight two giants and it will not soon be fixed. So, please take my last line above exactly as I say it: "as soon as I have the fix, I'll post it"... And I think the fix will not soon be found.